Ofsted Report
Lighthouse School opened on 1 September 2012. It was inspected in March 2014 with a grade of good in all categories and then inspected under ungraded in November 2017 and again in April 2023. The school continues to be good. The reports can be found here: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/25/138380
In April 2023, The strengths of the school were identified as follows:
- Leaders have developed an ambitious, destination-led curriculum.
- Staff focus on inspiring all pupils to have a bright future. Providing pupils with skills and experiences is a cornerstone of the ‘Lighthouse way’.
- Developing pupils’ communication skills is an important part of the school’s curriculum. Speech and language therapists support teachers to ensure pupils get the support they need.
- Relationships between staff and pupils are highly secure. They show mutual respect. This ensures that pupils engage with lessons well.
- Pupils are encouraged to try hard. Staff use motivational language to get the best from pupils.
- Personal development is a strength of the school.
- Pupils feel safe in school. They say bullying is not an issue. If it were, staff would deal with it effectively.
- The curriculum is highly ambitious. Leaders have precisely mapped out what pupils will learn across subjects and year groups.
- Leaders prioritise developing pupils’ communication skills. Reading is an important part of the curriculum.
- Pupils behave exceptionally well. There is a calm but purposeful atmosphere around school. They show respect towards each other.
- Pupils are encouraged to contribute and have a voice.
- They are very well supported for next steps to work and college. The school has an in-house careers advisor. There is strong support for pupils next steps. All pupils from Year 9 to Year 14 receive individual careers meetings and all pupils leave the school with a plan for the future.
- Pupils have an appropriate understanding of people that are different to them. They can describe different religions and faiths. They speak confidently about celebrating difference.
- Staff are well trained. They are developed to be effective in their roles.
- Staff feel leaders listen to them. They say they have a voice about their work.
- Trustees have ambition for pupils. Trustees visit the school regularly which allows them to test what is happening in school is effective.
- Staff understand their safeguarding responsibilities well. Leaders ensure that all staff are well trained with regular inputs on statutory information. Leaders’ mantra is ‘see something, say something’. Staff are proactive.
- Leaders are tenacious when pursuing support for pupils.
School Inspection Report April 2023School Inspection Report November 2017School Inspection Report March 2014Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2022-23
Ofsted Parent ViewLighthouse School PoliciesLighthouse School CurriculumStudents OutcomesExams information and results Student Voice
Parent VoiceFinancialPupil Premium, PE and Sports Premium and Recovery Premium