Lighthouse School

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About Us

Our Purpose

Lighthouse School is built around the needs of our students and we are dedicated to supporting them to have a bright future. The values, the curriculum, and even the school building, have been developed to maximise the impact on our student’s lives.

Our Students

Lighthouse School is a specialist secondary school for autistic students.

All students:

  • Have an Education Health Care Plan (an EHCP) with an autism diagnosis
  • Are able to work in group teaching (following a transitional period if required)

For more details, please visit our admissions page.

All of our students are unique (autism is a spectrum condition and manifests differently) and each student is treated like an individual. As a result, every student will have something unique on their timetable and our behaviour policy reflects this individualised approach.

Our students have a wide range of academic abilities and spikey profiles (significant strengths in one part of the curriculum, and difficulties in another aspect). This is reflected in our wide and varied spiral curriculum.

The vast majority of students join us in Year 7. A proportion of our Year 7 students have joined us having been out of education for more than 6 months. Some of our Year 7 students have either not accessed class teaching or required a Learning Support Assistant (LSA) to do so.

We are proud to say that none of the students who have graduated from Lighthouse School are NEET (Not in education, employment or training). Continuing this is one of the core organisational aims that underpins what we do.

How we know it works


Research informed practice

Equality and Diversity