School Council
School council involves a team of students that are passionate about improving the school and getting students’ voices heard. The members of school council meet once a week to discuss students’ ideas on how to improve the school. We also talk about matters such as policies, any issues that the students are finding with the day to day running of the school. School council have plans to set up suggestion boxes in each classroom to ensure that we have different forms of communication to encourage every student to have their voice heard.
There are two members of school council in each form group, one elected by the students and one by staff. Form representatives will change every full term in order for all students interested in School Council to be involved. The students on School Council will all have a role such as School Council Noticeboard Leader, Suggestion Box Officer and Lunch Activities Ambassador to name a few. School Council will also be responsible for passing information onto their form groups after meetings, so that all students receive feedback and relevant information. School council has already requested fundraising activities.